How One Busy Mom Discovered Her Passion for Writing Children’s Books

Creating a children’s book is often a journey filled with love, perseverance, and a passion for storytelling. For many authors, including myself, this journey begins with the magical moments shared with their own children.
As a busy working mom with two small kids, Adele Lamothe found herself navigating the chaos of daily life while cherishing the quiet moments spent reading bedtime stories. These stories became more than just a nightly ritual—they were a gateway to laughter, imagination, and precious bonding time. Inspired by these experiences, she decided to create her own stories, hoping to inspire and connect with other families in the same way. Her process, from the initial idea to the final draft, reflects the dedication and love that goes into creating books that resonate with young readers and their families.
Here's what Adele had to share about her experience:
As a working mom with two small children, life was busy and sleep was not constant. Some days it felt like I was in a cloud, looking in on my life while my brain tried to keep up. I knew I had to be present (‘in the moment’), but there were a gazillion things going on in my mind. At certain times I would be cooking while keeping my little ones entertained and also thinking about that email that I didn’t have time to respond to at work and the birthday party RSVP I needed to send.
But every night, there were a few quiet moments where I curled up with my little ones to read a book. As we cuddled together the stories came alive. We became the characters, we made funny voices and we laughed. The stories taught us important things; they made us understand a bit more about people; they opened up our imagination; they gave me an escape from the real world and provided magical moments bonding with my children that I never took for granted.
That’s when I decided that I wanted to write books for children, in honor of my children, with stories that inspire other kids and help other families to create special bonds through stories. Shortly after that I got an idea for a story, but it was only about 12 years later that I was able to put pen to paper.
I had no clue how to actually go about making an interesting story out of my idea, so I signed up for a couple of children’s book writing courses which provided the basics and taught me how to structure a picture book. One thing that really stuck out from the courses is the importance of creating characters that children can relate to and enjoy reading about. I wanted my little raindrops to be fun so I made them each have their own quirks.
I then wrote the story and divided it up into different parts : a beginning, during which a problem is presented (the little raindrops get lost), a middle which provides the actions to solve their problem (finding their way home through the water cycle, while still having a fun adventure) and a satisfying ending.
I wrote the story in rhymed verse as I always found rhyming books to be so much fun to read. This was a challenge in itself as the rhyming needed to have a consistent meter, and I would often find myself re-writing sections over and over until it sounded just right..
Editing is a crucial part of the process and this was the next step. Once I had the final wording I was ready to work with an illustrator. I got in touch with Steven Tu, who is an experienced Graphic Designer and over the next few months he first sketched, then illustrated the pages, really bringing the story to life!
It’s extremely satisfying to hold your book in your hand, knowing you created something that people can enjoy as a family and that kids can learn from. I love nature and I hope that my books inspire children to observe and appreciate our beautiful environment.
Want to learn more about Adele and check out her beautiful children's book? Here's everything you need to know!
Purchase "Two Little Raindrops":